Genetic Testing During Pregnancy: Weighing the Pros and Cons

Pregnancy is a unique and special time, full of excitement and anticipation. As you prepare for the arrival of your little one, numerous decisions and considerations arise. Among them is the option of genetic testing. At North Pointe OB/GYN in Cumming, we believe in empowering our patients with comprehensive knowledge to help them make informed choices. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing during pregnancy.

Pros of Genetic Testing During Pregnancy

Here are some top benefits of agreeing to genetic testing during your pregnancy:

  • Informed Decision Making: Genetic testing provides valuable information about the health of your unborn baby. Knowledge about potential genetic disorders or chromosomal abnormalities can assist parents in making decisions about the pregnancy and preparations for the child’s care after birth.
  • Preparation for Special Needs: In cases where a potential genetic issue is identified, parents can begin to research, connect with support groups, and prepare emotionally and financially for any special needs their child might have.
  • Reduction in Anxiety: For many, the uncertainty of not knowing can be anxiety-inducing. Genetic testing can offer peace of mind to parents, particularly if the results indicate that the baby is not at risk for certain genetic conditions.
  • Medical Advantages: Early detection of certain genetic conditions can allow for timely medical interventions. Some conditions can be managed or treated more effectively when addressed in the early stages of development or immediately after birth.

Cons of Genetic Testing During Pregnancy

Along with the pros, comes a list of cons or risks that you may take by choosing prenatal genetic testing:

  • False Positives: No test is perfect. Sometimes, genetic tests might indicate a potential problem when there isn’t one, leading to unnecessary anxiety and stress for the parents.
  • Emotional Stress: Receiving news that your baby might have a genetic condition can be emotionally overwhelming. The decision-making process that follows can be extremely challenging.
  • Cost and Insurance Implications: Genetic testing can be expensive, and not all insurance plans may cover the costs. It’s essential to consider your financial situation and understand your insurance policy before proceeding.
  • Over-reliance on Results: It’s crucial to remember that while genetic testing can identify potential risks, it doesn’t guarantee a child’s outcome. A positive result doesn’t always mean a child will develop a specific condition, and a negative result doesn’t guarantee a child will be free of health issues.
  • Ethical and Moral Concerns: Genetic testing brings forth ethical questions. Parents must think about how they’ll use the information, especially when considering complex decisions about continuing the pregnancy.

The Decision Is Yours, But We Can Help

Genetic testing during pregnancy is a personal decision, one that couples should make in consultation with their healthcare providers. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we are here to provide guidance, answer questions, and support you in every decision you make during your pregnancy journey. Remember that the primary goal is to ensure the health and well-being of both mother and baby. Whether or not to undergo genetic testing is just one of the many decisions you’ll make, and whatever you decide, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Uterine Fibroids: Understanding the Why and When to Be Concerned

At North Pointe OB/GYN in Cumming, we are committed to providing comprehensive women’s health care. An important part of our services involves educating our patients about various conditions they might encounter during their reproductive years. One such condition that affects many women is uterine fibroids. Here, we delve into understanding why uterine fibroids develop and when to be concerned about them.

What Are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths of the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. They vary in size, from tiny and undetectable to the human eye, to large masses that can distort the shape and size of the uterus. The good news is that most fibroids do not lead to cancer and, in many cases, they cause no symptoms at all.

Why Do Uterine Fibroids Develop?

While the exact causes of uterine fibroids remain unclear, there are several factors that have been linked to their development:

  • Hormonal Factors: Estrogen and progesterone, the hormones produced by the ovaries, promote the growth of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle and may also stimulate the growth of fibroids. Fibroids contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscle cells do.
  • Genetic Factors: If your mother or sister had fibroids, you’re at an increased risk of developing them as well.
  • Other Growth Factors: Substances that help the body maintain tissues, like insulin-like growth factor, might influence fibroid development.
  • Extracellular Matrix: This is a material that makes cells stick together and might also contribute to fibroid growth.

When to Be Concerned About Uterine Fibroids

For many women, uterine fibroids cause no noticeable symptoms. However, there are signs that may indicate the presence of fibroids, and some of these can be quite concerning:

  • Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: One of the most common signs of fibroids is prolonged menstrual periods or excessive bleeding.
  • Pelvic Pain or Pressure: Larger fibroids can cause a sensation of fullness or pressure in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent Urination: Due to their location and size, fibroids can press on the bladder causing frequent urination.
  • Complications During Pregnancy: In some cases, fibroids might lead to complications such as fetal growth restriction or preterm delivery.
  • Infertility: In rare cases, fibroids can block the fallopian tubes, making it harder for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus.

If you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they impact your quality of life, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. While these symptoms might indicate the presence of fibroids, they can also be signs of other medical issues. A timely diagnosis can lead to effective treatments and relief from discomfort.

Worried About Your Frequent Fibroids? Call North Pointe OB/GYN

Uterine fibroids, while common and often benign, can have a profound impact on a woman’s reproductive health. Understanding why they develop and being alert to the signs that might indicate a concern is crucial. At North Pointe OB/GYN, our team is here to support, advise, and provide the best possible care for all our patients. If you have concerns or questions about uterine fibroids or any other aspect of your reproductive health, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your health and well-being are our top priority.

Busting Menstruation Myths for Teenage Girls

Navigating the challenges of adolescence is already complex, and when it comes to menstruation, it’s not uncommon for misinformation to add to the confusion. At North Pointe OB/GYN in Cumming, we understand the anxieties and questions teenage girls might have about their period. Today, we’re addressing some of the common myths associated with menstruation and setting the record straight.

Myth 1: Having a period means you’re not a virgin anymore.

Fact: Menstruation and virginity are not connected in any way. Having a period is a natural bodily function that signifies a girl’s body is maturing and can potentially reproduce. It has nothing to do with sexual activity or the state of one’s virginity.

Myth 2: If your cycle doesn’t last exactly 28 days, it’s abnormal.

Fact: While a 28-day cycle is often cited as the average, it’s essential to understand that everyone’s body is different. Many girls and women have cycles that are shorter or longer than 28 days. Cycles can also fluctuate based on factors like stress, physical activity, and weight changes.

Myth 3: You can’t swim or bathe during your period.

Fact: You can absolutely swim or take a bath during your period. Using a tampon or menstrual cup can make swimming more comfortable and prevent menstrual flow from entering the water. Moreover, a warm bath can even help relieve menstrual cramps!

Myth 4: You will lose a lot of blood during your period.

Fact: It might seem like a lot, but most girls and women only lose about 2 to 3 tablespoons of blood during their entire menstrual cycle. The presence of other fluids and tissue can make it appear as though there’s more blood than there actually is.

Myth 5: It’s bad to exercise during your period.

Fact: Exercise can be one of the best things to do during your period. It helps release endorphins, which act as natural painkillers, potentially reducing menstrual cramps. Find an activity you’re comfortable with, whether it’s walking, yoga, or more rigorous exercise.

Myth 6: PMS is just an excuse to be moody.

Fact: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is real and can involve a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms, including mood swings, fatigue, tender breasts, and food cravings. Everyone’s experience with PMS is unique, but it’s essential to recognize and respect the genuine challenges it can present.

Myth 7: You can’t get pregnant if you have sex during your period.

Fact: Although it’s less common, it is still possible to get pregnant if you have unprotected sex during your period. Sperm can live inside the body for up to five days, and if a girl ovulates shortly after her period, there’s a chance for fertilization.

Get the Truth from a Trusted Gyno in Cumming

In a world full of myths and half-truths, especially surrounding women’s health, it’s essential to be informed and get your facts from reliable sources. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we’re committed to providing accurate information and support to our patients at every stage of their lives. If you’re a teen or the parent of one, never hesitate to ask questions and get the clarity you need about menstruation or any other aspect of reproductive health. Your well-being and peace of mind are our top priorities.

Can What You Eat Affect Your Hormones?

As women, we know that hormonal fluctuations are an integral part of our lives, influencing our physical and emotional well-being. From adolescence to menopause, our hormones play a vital role in various bodily functions. While we cannot control these natural hormonal changes entirely, we can support our bodies with the right nutrition. At North Pointe OB/GYN in Cumming, we believe in empowering women to take charge of their health. Here is a closer look at the crucial role of nutrition in supporting hormonal balance and overall well-being, which ultimately paves the way to a healthier and happier life.

Hormonal Balance and Its Impact on Women’s Health

Hormones act as messengers within our bodies, regulating everything from our menstrual cycles to mood swings. Maintaining hormonal balance is essential for a wide range of functions, including reproductive health, metabolism, and even bone density. However, various factors such as stress, diet, and lifestyle choices can disrupt this delicate equilibrium, leading to hormonal imbalances and health issues.

Nutritional Foundations for Hormonal Health

Healthy Fats: Incorporating sources of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and fatty fish, can aid in hormone production and absorption. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon and chia seeds are particularly beneficial for reducing inflammation and supporting brain health.

Protein-Rich Foods: Protein is essential for hormone synthesis and repair. Lean proteins like chicken, turkey, tofu, and beans can be valuable additions to a balanced diet.

Colorful Fruits and Vegetables: Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables like berries, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes play a crucial role in combating oxidative stress and promoting hormonal health.

Complex Carbohydrates: Opt for whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, and oats, which release energy gradually and help stabilize blood sugar levels, avoiding hormonal spikes and crashes.

Crucial Micronutrients for Hormonal Balance

Vitamin D: Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D plays a significant role in hormone regulation. Spending time outdoors and consuming vitamin D-rich foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy, and egg yolks can support hormonal balance.

Calcium: Essential for bone health, calcium also contributes to hormone regulation. Include dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified plant-based milk in your diet.

Magnesium: This vital mineral can help reduce PMS symptoms and support stress management. Nuts, seeds, legumes, and leafy greens are excellent sources of magnesium.

B Vitamins: B vitamins are essential for energy production and hormone synthesis. Incorporate foods like whole grains, legumes, nuts, and leafy greens into your meals.

The Impact of Sugar and Processed Foods

High sugar and processed food intake can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to weight gain, insulin resistance, and increased inflammation. Minimizing processed foods and opting for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup can make a significant difference in hormonal health.

Hydration and Hormonal Harmony

Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for overall health and hormonal balance. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and supports the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Contact A Trusted Women’s Health Provider in Cumming

Embracing a balanced and nutritious diet is fundamental for women’s health and hormonal balance. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we advocate for holistic wellness, recognizing that nutrition plays a vital role in supporting the intricate hormonal dance within our bodies. By including nutrient-dense foods, maintaining a well-balanced diet, and staying hydrated, women can nourish their bodies, support hormonal harmony, and lead happier, healthier lives. Remember, each step towards a nourished and balanced life is a step towards empowerment and well-being.

Bad Periods? You are Not Alone

As a woman, experiencing menstrual cycles is a natural and normal part of life. However, many women face challenges during their menstrual periods, such as irregularity, heavy bleeding, or painful cramps. Regardless of your age, bad periods can become a real threat to your quality of life if not addressed. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we can help you understand common menstrual issues, as well as their potential causes and available treatment options.

Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Irregular periods refer to variations in the length of menstrual cycles or inconsistent timing between periods. This can be caused by hormonal imbalances, stress, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, or other underlying medical conditions. Discussing the potential causes and effects of irregular periods can help women identify patterns and seek medical advice for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Experiencing heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, known as menorrhagia, can be physically and emotionally challenging for women. Common causes include hormonal imbalances, uterine fibroids, polyps, or certain medical conditions. Treatment options, including medication, hormonal therapy, or minimally invasive procedures, can be discussed to provide relief and improve overall well-being.

Painful Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps, medically referred to as dysmenorrhea, can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that interferes with daily activities. These cramps are typically caused by contractions of the uterus during menstruation. However, underlying conditions such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease can contribute to more intense pain. Providing information about self-care measures, pain management techniques, and available medical interventions can assist women in finding relief and improving their quality of life.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

PMS refers to a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the days leading up to menstruation. Symptoms may include mood swings, bloating, breast tenderness, fatigue, and food cravings. Understanding the factors contributing to PMS, such as hormonal fluctuations and lifestyle choices, can help women manage these symptoms effectively. Discussing self-care strategies, stress reduction techniques, and medical interventions like hormonal therapies or antidepressants can provide valuable guidance for managing PMS.

Seek Help for Your Menstrual Cycle in Cumming

It is important for women to understand when to seek medical advice for their menstrual concerns. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we encourage open communication with our healthcare providers and emphasize the importance of regular check-ups to help identify underlying causes and develop personalized treatment plans. By discussing available treatment options, including lifestyle modifications, over-the-counter remedies, or prescribed medications, women can make informed decisions about managing their menstrual issues. Call North Pointe OB/GYN in Cumming today to schedule your gynecology visit about your bad periods. Remember, you are not alone in facing these challenges, and seeking support from our caring professionals can lead to a more balanced and comfortable menstrual experience.

Navigating the First Trimester: Tips for Managing Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Congratulations! You’ve just entered an incredible journey—the first trimester of pregnancy. This stage brings about exciting changes in your body as your little one starts to grow. However, it’s also a time when many women experience various early pregnancy symptoms. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we understand that this period can be overwhelming, so we’re here to provide you with helpful tips on managing these symptoms and embracing this special time.

Morning Sickness and Nausea

Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of day, is a common early pregnancy symptom. To manage nausea, try eating small, frequent meals and avoid greasy or spicy foods. Ginger, lemon-infused water, and bland snacks like crackers or pretzels can help alleviate symptoms. If morning sickness is severe and persistent, we can prescribe a safe medication for pregnancy nausea.

Fatigue and Energy Levels

Feeling exhausted during the first trimester is completely normal due to hormonal changes and increased demands on your body. Listen to your body’s cues and prioritize rest. Aim for regular, rejuvenating sleep and consider adjusting your schedule to accommodate naps when needed. Don’t hesitate to ask for support from your partner, family, or friends to ensure you get ample rest.

Breast Tenderness

Breast tenderness is a common early sign of pregnancy. Wear a supportive and comfortable bra to minimize discomfort. You may also find relief in warm compresses or taking a warm shower. If breast tenderness becomes severe or is accompanied by unusual symptoms, reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance.

Frequent Urination

As your uterus expands, it exerts pressure on your bladder, leading to increased trips to the restroom. To manage frequent urination, try limiting fluid intake before bedtime and emptying your bladder completely each time you visit the restroom. However, remember to stay hydrated throughout the day to support your overall well-being.

Food Cravings and Aversions

During pregnancy, it’s common to experience food cravings and aversions. Embrace the cravings that align with a balanced diet, but also listen to your body’s cues for necessary nutrients. If certain foods trigger aversions or nausea, try substituting them with alternatives that provide similar nutritional benefits.

Emotional Changes

Hormonal fluctuations can contribute to mood swings and emotional changes. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction, such as gentle exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Openly communicate with your partner, friends, or a support group about your emotions, as sharing your feelings can provide a sense of relief.

Seek Professional Guidance from North Pointe OB/GYN

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and it’s important to consult with one of our obstetricians for personalized advice and care. They can provide guidance specific to your needs and monitor your health and the well-being of your baby throughout the first trimester and beyond.

The first trimester of pregnancy is a time of immense change and excitement. While it can come with its share of challenges, knowing how to manage early pregnancy symptoms can greatly improve your experience. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy journey. Congratulations on this incredible milestone, and embrace the beautiful journey that lies ahead!

The Link Between Gynecological Health and Mental Health

Women’s health encompasses more than just physical well-being; it also includes mental and emotional aspects. The intricate relationship between gynecological health and mental health is often underestimated but plays a crucial role in overall wellness. In this blog post, we will explore the connection between gynecological health and mental health, and discuss strategies to promote mental well-being among women. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we believe that a holistic approach to women’s health is essential for achieving optimal well-being.

The Gynecological Health-Mental Health Connection

There’s no question that hormones and the associated conditions of women’s health can impact how you feel about yourself and your outlook on life.

Hormonal Influences

Hormonal changes throughout a woman’s life can significantly impact her mental health. Puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause are all phases accompanied by hormonal shifts that can affect mood, emotions, and overall mental well-being.

Reproductive Challenges

Women facing infertility, pregnancy loss, or difficulties with conception may experience increased stress, anxiety, and depression. These challenges can have a profound impact on mental health, underscoring the importance of emotional support and counseling during these times.

Menopause and Mood Changes

Menopause is a transitional phase accompanied by a decline in reproductive hormones. Fluctuating hormone levels during menopause can contribute to mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and even depression. Recognizing and addressing these symptoms is vital to maintaining mental well-being during this phase of life.

Gynecological Disorders

Certain gynecological conditions, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and chronic pelvic pain, can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life. Chronic pain, discomfort, and the challenges of managing these conditions can contribute to emotional distress and mental health issues.

Strategies for Promoting Mental Health

At North Pointe OB/GYN, we value the following strategies to promote optimal emotional and mental health in our female patients:

Open Communication

Encouraging open and honest communication between patients and healthcare providers fosters a supportive environment. It allows women to express their concerns, fears, and emotions, leading to personalized care that addresses both physical and mental health needs.

Routine Screening

Incorporating mental health screenings as a standard part of gynecological visits can help identify potential mental health issues early on. Regular assessments can prompt timely interventions and referrals to mental health professionals when necessary.

Collaborative Care

Collaborating with mental health specialists, such as therapists, counselors, or psychiatrists, can provide comprehensive care to women with gynecological health concerns. This interdisciplinary approach addresses both the physical and emotional components, ensuring holistic support.

Education and Empowerment

Educating women about the link between gynecological health and mental health empowers them to recognize and address potential mental health challenges. Promoting self-care practices, stress management techniques, and healthy lifestyle habits can enhance overall well-being.

Support Groups and Resources

Offering support groups or connecting patients to relevant community resources can provide a sense of community and validation. Knowing they are not alone in their experiences can alleviate feelings of isolation and improve mental resilience.

See Your Gyno and Protect Your Mental Health

Promoting mental health alongside gynecological care is crucial for women’s overall well-being. Understanding the intricate connection between gynecological health and mental health allows healthcare providers to offer comprehensive support to women at every stage of life.

At North Pointe OB/GYN, we prioritize a holistic approach, recognizing that addressing mental health concerns is an integral part of providing excellent care. By fostering open communication, routine screenings, collaborative care, and empowering education, we strive to support women’s mental well-being as they navigate their unique gynecological health journey.

Understanding Your Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis

If you are pregnant, you likely have a lot on your mind – but diabetes may not be one of them. A diagnosis of gestational diabetes may alarm you, but it is not uncommon. The CDC reports that as much as 6% to 9% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes. At North Pointe OB/GYN we want expectant mothers to understand this condition and why it’s important to manage it properly. Here’s a closer look at what it means to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes. We will explore the condition, its potential risks, and the steps you can take to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, typically diagnosed around the 24th to 28th week. It is characterized by high blood sugar levels that develop due to hormonal changes and increased insulin resistance. Unlike other forms of diabetes, gestational diabetes usually resolves after childbirth. However, it requires careful management during pregnancy to minimize potential complications for both the mother and baby.

Potential Risks and Complications

When gestational diabetes is not properly managed, it can lead to various risks and complications. These include an increased likelihood of high birth weight, premature birth, preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy), and the need for a cesarean delivery. Additionally, babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Understanding these risks can empower you to take proactive steps in managing your condition.

Lifestyle Modifications and Monitoring

Upon diagnosis, one of our Cumming physicians at North Point OB/GYN will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. This typically involves making lifestyle modifications, such as adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and monitoring blood sugar levels. It’s important to follow our recommendations closely to keep your blood sugar levels within a target range and ensure the well-being of both you and your baby.

Blood Sugar Monitoring and Insulin Therapy

Regular blood sugar monitoring is a crucial aspect of managing gestational diabetes. As your trusted obstetrician, we will guide you on how and when to monitor your blood sugar levels using a glucose meter. In some cases, lifestyle modifications alone may not be sufficient to control blood sugar levels, and insulin therapy may be recommended. If insulin therapy is prescribed, we will educate you on its safe and effective use during pregnancy.

Collaborative Care and Support

At North Pointe OB/GYN, we believe in providing comprehensive care and support for expectant mothers with gestational diabetes. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals will closely monitor your progress, offer guidance on managing your condition, and address any concerns you may have throughout your pregnancy journey. We understand the importance of a supportive environment and strive to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate gestational diabetes successfully.

Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes may initially bring uncertainty, but with the right support and management, you can have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we are committed to providing personalized care and support throughout your gestational diabetes journey. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and begin your path to a healthy pregnancy.

Understanding the BRCA Gene and What It Means for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer deserves to be taken seriously, regardless of whether or not you’ve been diagnosed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. It is the leading cause of cancer death among women globally, accounting for 6.9% of all cancer deaths. Fortunately, early detection through mammography and other screening methods can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment and survival.

At North Pointe OB/GYN in Cumming, we recognize the importance of breast cancer detection and prevention. In doing so, our physicians also realize the value of identifying a woman’s risk for breast cancer by testing for certain genetic gene mutations.

A family history of breast cancer and certain genetic mutations (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2) can increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. Here is a closer look at the BRCA gene and what it can mean if you test positive.

What are BRCA Gene Variants?

BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that produce proteins that help to suppress the growth of tumors. When there are changes or mutations in these genes, they can increase the risk of developing certain cancers, particularly breast and ovarian cancers.

BRCA gene variants are changes or mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes that are associated with an increased risk of breast, ovarian, and other types of cancers. There are many different types of BRCA gene variants, some of which are classified as “pathogenic” or “likely pathogenic,” meaning they are more strongly associated with cancer risk.

Having a BRCA gene variant does not mean that you will definitely develop cancer, but it does increase the risk. Women with BRCA gene variants have a higher lifetime risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers compared to the general population.

At North Pointe OB/GYN, we recommend genetic testing to determine if a patient has a BRCA gene variant. This information can help guide medical management and screening recommendations, as well as inform decisions about risk-reducing surgeries or other preventive measures.

The Benefits of BRCA Gene Testing

Genetic testing and counseling for BRCA gene mutations and breast cancer can have many benefits, including:

  • Early detection: Knowing if you have a BRCA gene mutation can help you and your healthcare provider take steps to detect breast cancer earlier. This can improve your chances of successful treatment and survival.
  • Prevention: If you are found to have a BRCA gene mutation, you may be able to take steps to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer, such as undergoing risk-reducing surgery or increased surveillance.
  • Personalized treatment: If you are diagnosed with breast cancer and have a BRCA gene mutation, this information can help guide your treatment plan, as certain treatments may be more effective for BRCA-positive breast cancers.
  • Family planning: If you have a BRCA gene mutation, your family members may also be at increased risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer. Genetic testing can help them understand their risk and take steps to prevent or detect cancer earlier.
  • Peace of mind: For some individuals, knowing whether they have a BRCA gene mutation can provide peace of mind and reduce anxiety about their risk of developing breast cancer.

At North Pointe OB/GYN, we can help our patients understand their test results, the potential implications for themselves and their family members, and their options for managing their breast cancer risk.

Schedule Your Breast Cancer Screening

Regardless of whether or not you have the BRCA gene mutation, breast cancer screenings are a critical part of our women’s health care strategy at North Pointe OB/GYN. We conduct breast exams at your annual gynecology visits and recommend mammograms on a routine basis as the best way to detect breast cancer early. To learn more about your breast cancer risk, please call one of our Cumming physicians today.

When UTIs Become Frequent

It is not hard to find a female patient who has suffered from a urinary tract infection. In fact, UTIs are quite common in women, with around 50-60% of women experiencing at least one UTI in their lifetime. Women are more prone to UTIs than men, in part because of the shorter distance between the urethra and the anus, which makes it easier for bacteria to enter the urinary tract.

While UTIs can be easily resolved with a course of antibiotic treatment, this type of infection can be disruptive and uncomfortable until it resides. If urinary tract infections occur frequently, they can even become a threat to your quality of life and relationships. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we want our patients to tell us about their struggle with urinary tract infections. Although this is a common problem for women, frequent UTIs can be a sign of something more serious, and they certain deserve proper treatment. Here’s a closer look at female urinary tract infections, including its symptoms and why you may be suffering more than other women.

What is a UTI?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that affects any part of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. UTIs are typically caused by bacteria, such as E. coli, which enter the urinary system through the urethra and multiply in the bladder.

UTIs can be uncomfortable and can cause the following symptoms:

  • strong, persistent urge to urinate
  • a burning sensation when urinating
  • cloudy or strong-smelling urine
  • pelvic pain or pressure

Treating UTIs

UTIs can be treated with antibiotics, which means that you’ll need to let your physician know about your discomfort. At North Pointe OB/GYN, we will take a urine test to properly diagnose the bacteria in the infection so that we can prescribe the most effective antibiotic. It’s important to let us know as soon as possible if you suspect you have a UTI, as untreated infections can lead to more serious complications such as kidney damage.

Why Am I Getting UTIs so Often?

At North Pointe OB/GYN, we make it a priority to help patients determine what is causing their urinary problems and frequent infections, which can often be related to certain lifestyle habits that they can control.

Frequent UTIs can have a variety of causes, some of which may include:

  • Structural abnormalities: Structural abnormalities in the urinary tract, such as a blockage, can cause urine to back up and increase the risk of infection.
  • Compromised immune system: Individuals with a compromised immune system, such as those with HIV/AIDS, are more susceptible to UTIs.
  • Poor hygiene: Poor hygiene habits, such as wiping from back to front after using the toilet, can increase the risk of bacterial infection.
  • Sexual activity: Sexual activity can introduce bacteria into the urinary tract, increasing the risk of infection. Women who are sexually active are at higher risk for UTIs.
  • Menopause: Changes in estrogen levels during menopause can lead to changes in the urinary tract, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Use of certain contraceptives: The use of certain contraceptives, such as spermicides or diaphragms, can increase the risk of UTIs.
  • Urinary catheterization: People who require urinary catheterization may be at increased risk for UTIs due to the potential for bacteria to enter the urinary tract through the catheter.

Restore Urinary Comfort and Call Our Cumming UTI Doctors

Stop struggling in silence. We understand how painful and disruptive UTIs can be. We want to hear from you promptly at North Pointe OB/GYN if you have symptoms of a urinary tract infection and meet one of the following criteria:

  • You have had two or more UTIs in the past six months or three or more UTIs in the past year.
  • You have tried over-the-counter treatments for UTIs, such as cranberry juice or supplements, but the symptoms persist.
  • You are experiencing UTI symptoms during pregnancy.

Call our Cumming physicians who specialize in women’s health care to schedule your UTI exam and treatment.

Call us at 770-886-3555 to request your appointment today!

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Our Cumming Office

The office of North Pointe OB/GYN Associates is located on the Northside Hospital-Forsyth campus, and we perform deliveries at the Women's Center at Northside Hospital-Forsyth.

  • Address

  • 1800 Northside Forsyth Dr.
    Suite 350
    Cumming, GA 30041
  • Office Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
    Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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